Terms of Services

  1. I confirm that I am either 18 years of age or older and an eligible voter.
  2. I agree to become a member or supporter of the Party and I furthermore warrant that, for the duration of my membership, I will not belong to or be affiliated with any other political party.
  3. As a condition of membership, I agree to abide by the Party’s Constitution, Rules and Policies (as amended from time to time) and to receive correspondence from the Party including the Party’s newsletter.
  4. Where I partake in Party related activity, I consent to photographs taken at the activity containing my image to be published on the Party’s website or to be used in any other Party approved material.
  5.  Where I make donations to the Party, I agree that the Party may have to make my details available to the Electoral Body (or similar body or other regulatory authority) in compliance with applicable laws.
  6.  Debit Order authority
    1. I hereby request and authorize the Cape Coloured Congress (“the Party”) to draw against my stated bank or PayPal account, the amount necessary for payment of my Party membership fees until further written notice.
    2. I agree to pay such bank fees the Party will become liable for in the event of failed debit order transactions as a result of insufficient fees in my account.